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- 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica
- DNB00: Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1912
- NIE: New International Encyclopedia, 1902-1926
- BWN: Biographisch woordenboek der Nederlanden, 1852-1878
- NNBW: Nieuw Nederlandsch biografisch woordenboek, 1911-1937
- ADB: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, 1875–1912
- NDB: Neue Deutsche Biographie, 1953-
- “Archives”: Prinsterer, G.G. van, Archives Ou Correspondance Inédite De La Maison D’Orange-Nassau, Ser.2, 1857-1861
- “Buffs” : Cannon Richard, Historical record of the British Army the third rrgiment of foot or the Buffs, 1839
- “Drieluik”: Poelhekke, J.J., Frederik Hendrik, Prins van Oranje, 1978
- “Frederik Hendrik”: Kikkert, J.G., Frederik Hendrik, 1986
- “Huguenot” : Matthew Glozier, David Onnekink (ed.), War, Religion and Service: Huguenot Soldiering, 1685–1713, 2017
- “Life and Death”: Motley,J.L., The Life and Death of John of Barneveld, 2 vol., 1874
- “Maurits”: Kikkert, J.G., Maurits van Nassau, 1985
- “Memoires”: Picart, B. (ed.), Memoires de Frederic Henri Prince D’Orange, 1733
- “Prijs”: Doorn, J., De prijs van het bloed 1584-1625, 1984
- “Rise”: Motley,J.L., The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 3 vol., 1856
- “Thirty Years War”: Wilson, Peter H., The Thirty Years War: Europe’s Tragedy, 2009
- “Tracts”: Firth, C. H. (ed.), Stuart Tracts 1603-1693, 1903
- “United Netherlands”: Motley,J.L., History of the United Netherlands, 4 vol., 1860–67
- “Veres”: Markham, C.R., The Fighting Veres, 1888
- “Woordenboek”: Ditzhuyzen, R. van, Oranje-Nassau: Een biografisch woordenboek, 1998